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Professional Development
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Visiting Teachers from Spain Program
Is your school anticipating difficulty in securing a licensed Spanish teacher for the 2019-2020 school year or beyond? Are you trying to figure out how to staff a Spanish immersion program? Do you want to expose your students to a native speaker and cultural expert?...
DESE’s Brian Devine announces increased hours for the Licensure Call Center
The Department is pleased to announce that every Wednesday between now and June 27th the Licensure Call Center will open at 8:00 AM. The Licensure Call Center is typically open each business day from 9-12 and 2-5 and this additional hour of service should help...
October 28, 2016 Event Handouts
Please find the accompanying documents for the event below: The Ten Steps for Hiring Effective Teachers (Worksheet) [DOC] The Ten Steps for Hiring Effective Teachers (Slides) [PDF]